This engagement shoot was so dang amazing, and ALMOST didn’t happen. The shoot was scheduled for Sunday but the Friday before it rained so dang hard. Thunder, lightening, cray cray storm. “THUNDER FEEL THE THUNDER, LIGHTENING AND THE THUNDER!”
So we were going back and fourth like “Is it flooded? Is it muddy?” Well we ended up saying screw it, “LET’S JUST GO!” and make the most out of it.
The roads were a little sketchy driving out there but once we found this stunner spot it was seriously perfect. No mud, no flood, just beautiful nature after a storm.
We all had so much fun and that desert light is always so magical. I mean they hiked up rocks in heals! (Not josh)
Feet hanging off the end of a rock way up on a hill! I mean come on, so dang good!
And when we get couples who love to adventure with us, it sends our creativity into an amazing high! Thanks for being adventurous friends!